The Wild Robot lives!

So, I wrote my first children’s novel. It wasn’t a graceful process, but I survived the stress and the solitude and the crippling self-doubt, and now my novel has entered the world. It’s called The Wild Robot. If you have a few minutes I’d like to tell you about it.

Back in 2008, while working on a picture book called The Curious Garden, I spent a lot of time making sketches like this-

I loved imagining scenes of nature living in surprising places. And that got me thinking about scenes of unnatural things living in surprising places, and I made a few sketches like this-

I was really intrigued by the image of a robot in a tree, and a question suddenly popped into my mind: What would an intelligent robot do in the wilderness?

I had to get back to work on The Curious Garden, but that question never left my mind. In my free time I scribbled notes about a robot in the wild. I drew more pictures of robots in trees. I’d always enjoyed reading science fiction, but now I was studying science fiction-

Some of the sci-fi/fantasy books that inspired me

Most people don’t know that the word “robot” comes from a 1920’s science fiction play by Karel Čapek. The play is called R.U.R., which stands for Rossum’s Universal Robots. Karel Čapek (with a little help from his brother) invented the word “robot.” But he also invented one of the most familiar tropes of science fiction. In R.U.R., robots realize they don’t need their human masters, so they rise up and destroy all of humanity. And sci-fi writers have been telling variations of that story ever since.

However, I wanted to tell a different kind of robot story. I wanted to tell the story of a robot who finds harmony in the last place you’d expect. I wanted to tell a robot nature story.

Some of the non-fiction books that inspired me

The years rolled by. I finished The Curious Garden, and went on to write and illustrate several more picture books. And all the while I was quietly tinkering with my robot nature story and studying everything from artificial intelligence to animal behavior to outstanding children’s novels.

Some of the novels that inspired me

In 2012, after years of studying and thinking, I returned to the question that started this whole process: What would an intelligent robot do in the wilderness? To answer that question, I invented a robot character named Rozzum (a subtle nod to Čapek’s play), and tried to imagine how she’d handle life in the wilderness.

Robots can take almost any shape and so I considered different designs and capabilities and purposes for Roz. She had to be strong and intelligent, but not too strong and not too intelligent. If readers were ever going to relate to a robot she would have to be vulnerable, not invincible. And it might help if she were humanoid—that is, if she had arms and legs and a head—so readers could imagine themselves in her shoes. Most important, she had to be able to learn.

And then there was the issue of Roz’s gender.

Some famous gendered robot characters

We all know that real robots are neither male nor female. But the gender issue gets complicated when dealing with robot characters. Authors and filmmakers and playwrights almost always have to choose a pronoun (he, she, it) for each character, and by doing so they’re committing to a gender, or lack thereof, for each character. At first, I assumed “it” would be the appropriate pronoun for Roz. But I had trouble caring about her when she was an “it.” So I considered using a gender-neutral pronoun, like “ze,” or inventing a pronoun just for my robot characters, like “re,” but the story was challenging enough without having to explain invented grammar. Like so many science fiction authors before me, I decided to choose a gender-specific pronoun for my robot character. I looked closely at Roz’s personality and the way others saw her and I decided she would be female.

Early Wild Robot sketches

For this to truly be a “robot nature story” Roz would need to encounter a wide variety of natural elements. And the story would have to take place in the future to explain the existence of intelligent robots. I imagined how the wilderness might look in a few hundred years, and two things occurred to me: 1) because of climate change and rising sea levels, animals from far and wide might eventually be forced together as they all seek higher ground, and 2) some of that higher ground might become completely surrounded by water, forming new islands. With that in mind, I set the story far in the future, on a rugged northern island that was formed by rising seas, and that had a diverse array of weather and flora and fauna.

Once I’d settled on Roz’s design and a setting for her story, I began working on the plot. I started with the same exercise I use for my picture books: story mapping.

So many story maps…

I spent a year mapping all the possible directions for the story. There was so much to consider! How might a robot become wild? Do robots have anything in common with wildlife? What kinds of lessons could Roz learn from a tree, or a storm, or an opossum? And why is Roz on an island in the first place?

After I’d mapped and plotted absolutely everything it was finally time to write. But I was nervous. So I procrastinated by making myself some writing rules:

  • You’re not a poet, just tell the story plainly
  • Keep Roz mysterious by writing in the 3rd person
  • Make the chapters as short as possible
  • Write with symmetry and repetition, to mirror robots and nature
  • Give the narrator a conversational voice, especially during slow scenes
  • Understand the motivation behind each of Roz’s actions

With my writing rules and my story maps and my research and my notes and my sketches in tow, I drove out to a cabin in the woods, brewed a pot of coffee, and opened my laptop. There was nothing left to do but write.

I began typing. I was no longer looking at the story with binoculars, but with a microscope. Up close, I realized just how hard it is to find the right words. But I tried not to self-edit and I let the words flow.

I used a program called Scrivener to write the story. It’s great for organizing notes and research and chapters.

I spent over a year cobbling together my first draft of The Wild Robot. It was rough. Very rough. But Little, Brown & Company liked it enough to sign it up and in July of 2014 it became official: my robot nature story would be published! There was just one problem…I didn’t know how to finish it.

Luckily, the wonderful Alvina Ling was on my side. My old friend and editor gave me her notes and I got back to writing. Over the following year-and-a-half I rewrote the entire story. Repeatedly. In the first draft, Roz was a soldier who arrived on the island via plane crash. But many of my early ideas presented serious logistical problems and I routinely went back to the drawing board. I did more research. I resumed story mapping. I lost all confidence. Things were moving in the wrong direction.

But I kept going. I simplified everything. The plot, the characters, the writing all became simpler, and they gradually started fitting together like puzzle pieces. The story grew more metaphorical and philosophical. The Wild Robot was feeling less like science fiction and more like a fable.

Dave Caplan is the creative director who worked with me on the book’s design. Together, we made decisions about the jacket art and the case cover, chose paper stock and typefaces, and planned the placement of each illustration.

Dave dropped my sketches into place so we could get a sense of how the words and pictures would work together

Most authors have very little control over the appearance of their books. But as an author and illustrator, I worked on every aspect of my book’s appearance.

I made dozens of sketches before I figured out the cover design

I hand-lettered the front cover, spine, and title page

One day, Alvina informed me it was almost time to print the Advanced Reader Copies of The Wild Robot, so I should polish the text and complete the cover art and as much interior art as possible. ARCs are the early, unfinished copies of a book that publishers give to booksellers and reviewers to drum up excitement before publication. I wanted the ARCs to make a great first impression, but there was only so much I could do in the time allowed. I sent in the final cover art, a few rough sketches, and the best draft I could muster. The ARCs were printed in July 2015, but I wouldn’t finish the words and pictures for another six months.

A pile of ARCs

I had mixed feelings when the ARCs arrived. It was exciting to see The Wild Robot in physical form, but I knew the finished book would be very different. Oh well. My publisher sent out the ARCs and responses started rolling in. The Wild Robot received its first official review in November 2015, two months before I finished working on it. Miraculously, it was a starred review.

I rewrote entire chapters.

I changed character names.

I obsessively examined every word.

Eventually, I switched from Scrivener to MS Word so my editor could easily comment on the manuscript

When I wasn’t furiously typing, I was furiously sketching.

Final sketches were made in Photoshop

It was now time for the “First Pass Pages.” Alvina explained that we’d reached the home stretch, and going forward, all text changes should be minor and would be made by marking up printouts with a pencil. This seemed a little archaic, but it’s easier for everyone to keep track of changes if they’re all in one physical document. So they sent me the pages, I marked them up, the copyeditor reviewed my changes, and the designer updated the master file.

The Pass pages got pretty messy

The last six months of the process were chaotic. My social life and sleeping habits went straight down the drain as I frantically reworked the text and frantically created the final art. I didn’t want the illustrations to tell the whole story, just to set the tone, so I tried to keep them simple and moody. Simple or not, I had sixty-five illustrations to create, which was daunting. It seemed like this project would never end.

A few final interior illustrations

Dave dropped final illustrations into the book file, and the file was eventually sent to the printer

Dave and the production team reviewed proofs of the jacket and some of the interior art, and then worked with the printer to ensure that the final books would look just right.

The 2nd proof of the jacket

We took the extra step of proofing the art on the actual paper stock that would be used in the book

And then things took a tragic turn. On December 25 Alvina’s husband lost his long battle with cancer. His passing devastated everyone. Alvina immediately took a leave of absence. Suddenly, the book I’d been obsessing over seemed meaningless. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball. But my publisher needed me to finish this book, once-and-for-all. At the end of a marathon project, I crawled across the finish line.

On January 12, 2016, I sent off the very last revisions. Years of studying and thinking and mapping and sketching and typing and illustrating and revising had finally come to an end. My work on The Wild Robot was over.

A month later, this showed up.

My first finished copy of The Wild Robot

            The Wild Robot is the story of Rozzum unit 7134, a robot who wakes up for the very first time to find that she’s alone on a remote, wild island. Roz doesn’t know how she got there, or where she came from: she only knows that she wants to stay alive. And by robotically studying her environment she learns everything she needs to know. She learns how to move through the wilderness, how to avoid danger, she even learns how to communicate with the animals. But the most important lesson Roz learns is that kindness can be a survival skill. And she uses kindness to develop friends and a family and a peaceful life for herself. Until her mysterious past catches up with her.

It took eight years, but I finally found an answer to the question that led me down this path. What would an intelligent robot do in the wilderness? She’d make the wilderness her home.

The Wild Robot is now available wherever books are sold. As always, I encourage everyone to buy books from Indie Bookstores for reasons I explain in this Blog Post.

Categories: Book Production, Books, Creative, Illustration, Publishing, The Wild Robot, Uncategorized
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320 responses to “The Wild Robot lives!”

  1. Molly Ruttan says:

    Hi Peter,
    You continue to be a complete inspiration for me! Thank you for
    writing this blog. I love hearing about your process.
    I can’t even wait to read it! (and of course see more pictures!)

  2. Julie Burchstead says:

    Thanks for taking us along for this journey of your process! I can’t wait for the book!

  3. Susan says:

    Hi, Peter,
    I’ve been a fan since you visited my library and school and talked about writing The Flight of the Dodo. Your sketches are still in our library! I’m so looking forward to reading The Wild Robot. After hearing about your process, it will be even more special for me. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Ani says:

    Hi! Congratulations on The Wild Robot. Loved reading about it.

  5. Joanna Marek says:

    Spring Avenue in La Grange, IL sends its loudest congratulations to you! We can’t wait to read it!

    • Wendy Free says:

      Thanks to our friend Amy for directing me to your terrific creation story! Am so eager to share The Wild Robot with our favorite seven year old and to share your inspiring, instructive, fun, and REAL story of its creation with art teachers and students as a fabulous resource. Cheers to you!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this process. It’s very reassuring for me because I’ve been working on a story for what seems like the longest time and I’ve been very self-critical about why I haven’t been able to finish it. (I’m at the lost-confidence part of your story above, I think.)

    The weird thing about this story is that, although other ideas have come and gone, it seems to be one that really wants to live. So, I’ll see, I guess.

    I’ve been seeing mentions of Wild Robot for a while and look forward to reading it. The visuals look amazing – i really love that sketch of the robot in the tree (wow!). I might even catch you on your tour.

  7. Julie Smith says:

    Just today I saw you present at the Children’s Literature Festival at Frostburg State University in MD. I had a great time and bought Wild Robot. This afternoon I gave it to my 11 yr old nephew who sat and read the whole thing in one sitting, looking kind of like a robot himself mechanically flipping pages. He finished it, closed the book, looked up and asked if there’s a second book! His little brother is now reading it. Nice! Thank you!!

  8. Noor says:

    Thank you for sharing your writing process with us! This will be so valuable to share with young writers…especially as they are learning that their first draft is not their best draft. I plan on sharing your process with 3rd-5th graders on Friday! Thank you being open and vulnerable, as I know it is probably hard to put yourself out for the whole world. I LOVED your book (and your past books!). Although I did not want Roz’s story to end, I thought the ending was perfect! Thank you again for your truly amazing story!

  9. george says:

    Hi! my name is George and I love your book The Wild Robot. I read it with my mom and my little brother. We have a question. Are you going to write a sequel for The Wild Robot? I look forward to hear from you.

    Your reader,

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks George! Yes, I’m beginning work on the sequel right now. Please be patient, it might take a little while, but I’m very excited about where the story is going! Stay tuned!


      • when do you think the sequel will be done 2016 …… and also i love your book its the best book i”ve ever started to read ill read it over and over and over again thank you for making this book peter!

      • Kristin says:

        I read your book to my 6 year son and he absolutely loved it (as did I). He gets so deeply involved in the characters in the books we read and he cried and cried when it ended. When I explained to him that when a book ends this way it often means a sequel is coming he was elated (and wanted to buy it right NOW). I can’t tell you how happy he will be to know you’re working on another!

  10. michael says:

    Thank you for this beautiful and haunting tale of a wild robot. We read it to our 4 ½ year old over the course of a week and a half and tonight just finished the last chapters. He was in tears at the end, trying to figure out what to do with this new feeling of being both happy and sad at the same time. It is such a wonderfully complex and rich story on so many levels. And I love the fact that you urge us down an unfamiliar path to explore a relationship between machine and nature. There is a new humanism in this book, one that goes beyond the tired dichotomies of so much twentieth century thinking on technology.

  11. Andrea Mack says:

    I really enjoyed reading and seeing the visuals of how The Wild Robot developed. Thanks so much for sharing! Very inspiring!!

  12. My always calm, cool, and collected ten year old son *sobbed* when he told me about the end of this book. He LOVED it, It was such a special moment. My family adores your work, especially the Curious Garden (my ten year old’s name happens to be Liam) and the Chowder books (we had a beloved bulldog named Chauncy who has passed on). I am so excited that now that my two boys are older they have more books of your to enjoy. Both of them are very artistic and I am sure they have been inspired at least in part by you! I can only dream they will grow up to create such wonderful works as you have.

  13. Shelly R. says:

    Will there be a sequel to this book? It ends too mysteriously. From Vash H.

    I am Vash’s Mom. He came upstairs to tell me that this was the best book he ever read – and that is saying something because he reads ALOT!! He also is a huge lover of robots since he was very small. So we are both hoping that you have this writing process down and will be writing alot more books in the future. We will be looking for them.

  14. Mike D says:

    My six year old and I just finished reading The Wild Robot.
    We really enjoyed it! Thank you for writing it.
    We are looking forward to the sequel!

  15. Karen says:

    We read this as a summer family read-aloud to our boys, 7, 10 and 11 years. Great book, we all enjoyed it and and we look forward to a sequel??

  16. Louise Lash says:

    Loved the book! I am an elementary library technician. This is my pick for this fall. My grandson, who has dyslexia and can be a reluctant reader, loved it too. He asked if there will be a sequel. I hope so too.
    Thanks for all your years of hard work bringing this book to your readers.

  17. Jamie Wilson says:

    This conversation just happened:
    Son (who is 8): I just finished reading my book (Middle School by James Patterson).
    Me: Oh yeah? How was it?
    Son: Good. It’s my second favorite book ever.
    Me: What is your first?
    Son: The Wild Robot.

  18. Thankful teacher says:

    Heard this yelled across our 5th grade classroom today from a reluctant reader to a friend, “This is SUCH a good book!!”
    I didn’t even care about the noise. I was so happy to know a book has engaged him finally.Thank you, Peter.

    • Peter Brown says:

      This is music to my ears! I was a reluctant reader myself, growing up, and I was hoping kids like me would like The Wild Robot!

  19. Zi Gonzalez says:

    Hi, my name is Zi and I’m 10-yrs old. My grandma and I just got through reading your book “The Wild Robot ” and it was AWESOME! Roz and Brightbill remind me alot of me and my Gramdma in our real life story. In a way, she saved me and I saved her. Also, My grandma is My mom to me and I’m Her son. The story made me very sad and I cried a lot at the end, when Roz had to leave Brightbill alone on the island, and he didn’t know if she would ever come back home. My grand ma said I should look on your web site to see if there is a sequel to the story and I was happy to see you are writing one! I hope Roz and Brightbill will be together again, because if something ever happened to my grandma and she could never come back home to me, I would be too sad! Even tho the end of Thia story made me sad, I loved the story and I look forward to reading more! Thank you. From Zi

    • Peter Brown says:

      Oh wow, this is really amazing. I’m so happy to know that you connected with The Wild Robot in such a personal way. Thank you for sharing this with me, I’m getting all choked up! Hahaha!

  20. Tony says:

    Peter this book is awesome its so good I loved every last word of the book even at the end I almost cried when Roz got taken away and brightbill gave his mom (Roz) a hug. thank you for this book i love it.

  21. Celeste Ledesma says:

    THE WILD ROBOT, its just an amazing book I loved it!!

    I told so many people about it.I could not stop reading IT!

  22. Ani says:

    As a homeschool mom, I’m always looking for child appropriate read-aloud books. We were just browsing around at our local library and found your book, “The Wild Robot.” My 8yo son loves robots, so of course he was immediately attracted to the book, because of its cover. We just finished it today, and everyone, even my 12yo and 10yo daughters loved it. Yes, that includes me too! It’s now one of my favorite books. I might even have to rank it above my childhood favorite, “Are You My Mother?” Like others who have commented above, we are all anxiously awaiting the sequel!

    • Carol Engberg says:

      Students loved creepy carrots/favorite
      CYRM…Teach keyboarding and
      coding…21st century skills..many can’t read
      Makes me crazy monster!
      Will share blog w/3-5th graders…
      Grateful for your work!
      Can creatively teach powerful thinking!
      I’m not a monster…except about book care!

  23. Joe Pool says:

    My son Maximos just finished up your book last night.

    He loved the book, and wanted me to ask what your plans were for “The Wild Robot 2”, since Roz’s story is clearly ongoing.

    So there you have it! Your fans are waiting! 🙂

    My favorite family member, who I try to spend as much time with as possible.Posted by Joe Pool on Wednesday, October 12, 2016

  24. The Wild Robot was my favorite book at our recent book fair – I sold many, many copies to kids and adults alike. What I really love about this book is that a child could read it now and re-read it in a few years and get something completely different from it. I also love the questions it raises – what exactly is Artificial Intelligence? How can it be used ethically and judiciously? What if, what if what if??\

    Looking forward to more of your books.

  25. alexander pearson says:

    My son just finished this, his first chapter book, and is in tears…the journey of Roz has touched him deeply. Thank you.

  26. sophia huang says:

    is there a sequel?

  27. Roxanne Walter says:

    I read this book over the summer, and knew I absolutely had to share it with my Grade 4 class. They were absolutely enthralled! Thank you for writing a book for middle schoolers that seems to recognize that they are intelligent, capable thinkers. We had so many fabulous discussions and are hoping for a sequel.


    Roxanne Walter

  28. lelle lutts says:

    I read to my children, 5 and 6, every day. We go through a lot of books. A LOT of books. We picked up “The Wild Robot” in July for my son’s birthday, but it sat for while in our current book stack waiting it’s turn. A couple of months ago we started reading it, and couldn’t stop. We read it in three days, make that nights before bedtime. “Just one more chapter!” “That chapter doesn’t count! It’s too short! One more!” “Mom, just ONE more chapter, I promise, I’ll go to bed!” I was secretly hoping they would beg for more chapters too. We were all hooked. The third night reading the last few chapters, we were all emotional and on the edge. No one wanted this story to end. We finished the book, quietly. My five year old breaks the silence with “Mama, go order Part Two so we have it tomorrow night.”

    “The Wild Robot” is our favorite book of the year. I find it in my daughter’s bed. I find it in my son’s bookcase. I find it downstairs. I find it in their reading corner. This book travels. In other words, it’s not a book to be read and just put down. They keep picking it up, over and over, reading chapters, looking at pictures, talking about the story.

    Thank you for the time, effort, energy you put into bringing these beautiful personalities to life. Roz is magic.

  29. Louanna says:

    Our 4th grade reading group just finished reading “The Wild Robot.” We really enjoyed it. We look forward to the next book!

  30. A. Richter says:

    Thank you for writing this blog post! My 6 year-old son LOVES this book. And he and I cried like babies when we read the end. I look forward to showing him this post and explaining how the book was created.

  31. Stan says:

    Hello Peter,

    Just finished reading this book with my 7 year old daughter and she was a beautiful crying mess afterwards, the story really touched her. she was also equally concerned by peril and sacrifices that the characters made (trying not to give anything away).

    I wanted to say thank you for treating the material with sensitivity, straight forwardness, and honesty and having the respect for children to speak to them as people able to handle difficulty and the scariness of real life. You didn’t play them up or play them down, they were not beyond her, they were appropriate and her reactions were appropriate, as was the joys and triumphs she experienced.

    this is a wonderful work, thank you… that said I had to promise her that there was another book coming where she would learn of the robot’s fate and that of her family to stem the tide of tears.

    looking forward to the next book!

  32. Oben says:

    I am seven years old and I really liked this book. It is one of my favorite books. The other two are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Florence and Richard Atwater. I also really liked the pictures in your book. I think it was a good story because it’s funny and sad. I thought it was cool that you used robot airships. I’m glad that you are making another book and I can’t wait to read it. I have a question about your writing rules. Why did you want to make the chapters as short as possible?

  33. AC says:

    My 8 year old is an adept reader but not one to engage emotionally with his books. He came to me after finishing Wild Robot and said it was “scary, amusing, and sad” – he got that emotional wallop some of the reviews mentioned. Thank you for writing a book that helped him access a new experience. We will be eagerly awaiting the sequel.

  34. Micaiah says:

    I am 8 years old and I read your book 5 times. I really want you to write a second or third one! Please…
    I can’t wait!
    Please write back so I don’t die of suspense, thank you.

    • Peter Brown says:

      I’m writing back immediately so that you don’t actually die of suspense! I hope I’m not too late! Thanks for your urgent comment, it’s the kind of comment that makes an author want to write quickly. I am currently hard at work on the second Wild Robot book…I’m writing as quickly as I can. Stay tuned!

  35. Susan says:

    I can’t wait for the sequel!!!

  36. Cyndi says:

    I am the mother of a very reluctant 10 year old reader. I am always on the lookout for books that he might show an interest in. This past summer I noticed your book The Wild Robot on display at our local library. The title and the cover drew me in and I checked it out and brought it home with me. As with any new book we bring home, I encourage my son to give it what I call “the chapter test.” Give the first chapter a try before you say you don’t like a book. Since the first chapter was short, we gave it another chapter, and then another, and before he knew it, he was hooked. Just last month, my son asked if I could get The Wild Robot from the library again. And he asked if I thought there might be a sequel. He’ll be very happy to hear that there will be more to read about Roz in the future! And I know one gift that will be under the tree this Christmas. Thank you so much.

  37. Mariya Shadrina says:

    Dear Peter, I would like to thank you from the bottom of a mothers heart for your book. It made my 8 year old son read! He is very reluctant reader, and on top of that it was difficult to find a great chapter book for his age. Both of us were reading the book and he would not let me pass him because he wanted to be the first to finish it. I know my son will have a great memory of his mom reading a book with him. And I thank you for that. I sincerely think you are not just a talented writer, you are genius. I write picture books myself and can understand how you doubted yourself. But this book is a masterpiece. My son and I cannot wait when the sequel The Wild Robot escapes comes out in October. Please, don’t stop writing. I hope to be able to catch you presenting somewhere sometime. ( please forgive any typoes).

  38. Adele says:

    Loved the book but why rifles and killing?

  39. Nelson the Dog says:

    This book is very cool and I am waiting for the next volume to come out

  40. Emma says:

    Dear Mr. Brown,
    I am 11-years-old and I don’t enjoy reading much. When my Mom tells me to read, I do it very reluctantly. She ordered this book for me because it is our reading book for book club this month (yes my Mom signed me up for a book club and I don’t enjoy reading). Anyway, I received this book yesterday in the mail from Amazon and just finished it. I couldn’t put it down and then started researching other books you have written and found that you are doing a sequel! Thank you! Thank you for writing a book that makes me want to read more! You have inspired me. I can’t wait for March to get here already!

  41. ella says:

    hi cuncle pete

  42. Jamie Pierson says:

    Hi there,
    I’m a bookmobile librarian and last night I visited one of my regular stops where I serve a population of Burmese immigrant kids. At that stop, there’s a group of kids I call the Boy Tornado, because they swarm onto my bus, speaking over each other in a mix of English and Zo, good-naturedly wrestling over their favorite books, swarm up to my check out desk and then pour out the door, leaving behind bare shelves. Maybe less a tornado and more a swarm of happy book locusts. Anyway, last night every single one of them asked me when The Wild Robot Escapes is coming out and if I could put it on hold for them.

    Just thought you’d like to know this sweet story. Your books are very popular with all our kids, especially Mr Tiger Goes Wild (though You Will Be My Friend is my personal favorite).

  43. Chihiro says:

    The Wild Robot was an amazing story; I absolutely loved it and I am waiting for the Wild Robot Escapes! I enjoy reading very much and I loved it I think I said that already:)

  44. Grant says:

    i am 11 years old mr. peter brown and i loved your wild robot escapes finished it in 3 days and when i was in class i read the book when they were watching a movie i really hope you make a book 3 your best reader grant.

  45. Grant says:


  46. Cloe Bruce says:

    I loved The WILD ROBOT ESCAPES. I was hoping there would be a third book. I love your books.

  47. John Lockard says:

    My son (age 4) absolutely loves this book and Wild Robot Escapes. We finished The Wild Robot about a month before “Escapes” was released. Once it arrived we finished it in 9 days of bedtime reading. Once finished we had a couple nights of “one-sitting” books, then he asked if we could read The Wild Robot again. 3 nights and we’ve passed the 100 page mark (again).

    Thank you VERY much for these works. They are very much appreciated. I love the questions it brings out of my son and the way I see the story coming out in the way he plays afterwards.

  48. Giulietta Garland says:

    I am a 3rd grade teacher (currently) in a Waldorf charter school. I am amazed by how perfectly The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes connect so beautifully to the 3rd grade curriculum and to the developmental stage of the children that I teach. My students love the stories (they never want me to stop reading – even if they have to miss some recess!) and I have gone back with some chapters to use them for mentor texts to teach my students writing and grammar skills. Thank you for these amazing books. I echo others’ voices when I say “please write a third one!!”

  49. Mrs. Zelnia's 4th grade Class says:

    We read this book in my Fourth Grade Class. They would like you to know it was awesome! It was one of the best books we read. We think you should make it into a movie. It was very creative. Thank you for taking your time and effort to make this book. We think your illustrations are amazing! 20 out of 10! The RECOs Robots reminded us of The Iron Giant. We look forward to reading the next book.

  50. becky says:

    I am an adult & I loved both Wild Robot books…Please let there be a third.

  51. Laura Lynn Tellez says:

    Dear Peter,
    My children and I have loved the Roz books. They are some of our favorite books! We are requesting that you write a third book, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.

  52. calvert says:

    i love the wild robot do one more

  53. Gabe says:

    Please write a third book!

  54. Bishop Fleming says:

    Do you have any plans to write a third book?

  55. Yaitza Z says:

    Dear Peter Brown I loved your book The Wild Robot . my favorite part is when the RECOS came because it left you in such suspense. I loved that Roz learned the animal language so quickly I also liked that Roz had a son and it was not a robot but it was a goose . The last thing is I can’t wait for the Wild Robot escape.


  56. Diego says:

    What is the reason you wrote the book.

  57. Lucy M says:

    I like how when you were sketching and writing another book you thought of another book at the same time. You just didn’t know it yet. I like how when you were writing you decided to make Roz feel different feelings during the book. I also like how you drew pictures to give you ideas before writing the story. I like how you love books as much as me. My favorite part of the book is when all the animals work together to defeat the RECOs. It shows me how much they care about him.

  58. Grisell says:

    Hello! I was wondering if you are going to make a third book about how Roz is doing in her home again. I am dying to know what Roz is doing with her friends. 🙂


  59. Christopher says:

    We read the book and it was awesome i wish we could be able to read, The Wild Robot Returns because i want to know what happens next. Maybe i will see it a the store and read maybe

  60. Dear Peter Brown,
    I have enjoyed your awesome adventure books. I hope you make a third book. Your books about Roz and Bright-Bill are AMAZING!!! The funny thing is I had a teacher last year her name is Mrs. Roz but she is retiring and that makes me sad.


  62. Christopher says:

    We read the wild robot and i’m exited to read the second

  63. Melina says:

    Hi Peter, I loved the first book. It was great! I also liked the second book. Are you thinking of making a third?

  64. We read the wild robot and i’m exited to read the second

  65. We read the wild robot and i’m exited to read the second the wild robot returns.

  66. Beth says:

    The Wild Robot is the first chapter book that has held my kindergartener’s attention. More accurately, he has been riveted! I read to him every night before bed and and I hear “one more chapter, please!” At least 3-4 times until I insist this really has to be the last until tomorrow. To be honest, it’s difficult for me to put this book down as well. We are now about 70% off the way through with The Wild Robot Escapes and I am not ready to say goodbye to Roz, Brightbill etc and I am hoping for a third book. Will there be?? And is it true that DreamWorks has purchased the rights?? Thank you for these sweet and wonderful books and much success to you.

  67. Mindy Newell says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey with the Wild Robot. I absolutely loved BOTH of the books. It was perfect timing for me to dive into them because I felt that I could relate to Roz in many ways. She actually gave me confidence in myself for my upcoming new adventure. I am transitioning from 22 years of second grade to teaching 6th grade ELA. What would Mrs. Newell do in 6th grade ELA? She’ll make 6th Grade ELA her home while using The Wild Robot and the Wild Robot Escapes as inspiration. I am very excited to use your books and to share your journey of writing to help motivate my students. Thank you!

  68. Brenna says:

    Evie is four.
    She is still learning to be kind all the time, to be helpful, to sit still when she needs to, to behave quietly when at church.
    Evie’s mother read her The Wild Robot, because Evie loves stories, and Evie’s mother loves her.
    Evie adores Roz. She plays Roz, she IS Roz, and when she is, being kind all the time, being helpful, sitting still and being quiet is easy.
    Evie is four, and she has been a robot named Roz for almost two months now. That’s a long time when you are four.
    If you are ever feeling sad and wondering if it was all worth, remember that you changed a four-year old Evie’s life dramatically, and when she is somewhere filled with breakable things, where she needs to keep her hands to herself, she sneaks through the shelves soundlessly, hiding from Recos. Because she is Roz, and everything is easier when you are a Wild Robot.

  69. Reid says:

    I loved the first 2, but are you going to make a third book???

  70. Reid McNeil says:

    I read the first 2 books and loved them. Will there be a third book????

  71. Lisa M. says:

    My son, Fin simply fell in love with the first Wild Robot book. Thank you. So much. The book carried him through a big move and I regretted packing #2 (The Wild Robot Escapes). The ‘waiting was hard, but we all ‘cheered’ when we unpacked/found the the second wild robot book. He’s reading it now, and pauses every so often to share with me, his favorite parts. He just told me that he hopes you are now writing the 3rd in the series. (No pressure 😉 Thank you, thank you.

  72. Jason says:

    I just finished reading the book and LOVED it! Can’t wait to read the 2nd one and can’t wait for you to make a third!

  73. Amanda G. says:

    This is the second year that I’ve read both books with my 3rd grade class, but this year was a little different. This year, we started reading The Wild Robot on the first day of school, and I was able to tie your description of your writing process into my initial lessons on the writing process with my students. The way you described your thinking, where the ideas came from, what you had to study and research, and the process of receiving feedback and making changes based on them, has been incredible. For the first time, feedback has become something my students ask for, because they saw such a visible example of how it helped create these books they love. I’ve been able to pull so many examples of dialogue out of the book, of expression, tone, setting the scene… I even taught run-on sentences using Chitchat as an example. In addition, these books have both provided so many examples to use in my reading lessons, and it’s helped my kids grow so much already. Thank you, so much! The books are phenomenal, and this blog post with your explanation of your writing process has been SO beneficial!

  74. Jake says:

    Me and my class have finished reading your books. We all love them and hope there will be a third. There are millions of people in my school who hope their will be a 3rd book. We hope you do well from Jake.

  75. Debbie says:

    I finished reading “The Wild Robot” to my 5th grade class. I (and they) loved it so much I had to immediately buy the 2nd book and we are about halfway through. Honestly I’m glad I didn’t discover your book until the 2nd book was out – I could have never stood the wait!!!! If I hear there is a 3rd book, I’ll be the first in line!

  76. JACKI KAPLAN says:


  77. I am featuring your book in a presentation we have this week. Our students have lived Wild Robot for two years. Of course we are designing our own robots now using Hummingbird and Finch robots. Thank you a thousand times over. The themes in The Wild Robot novels are so profound. I feel I have gone home 50 years in the future.

  78. Amber Wang says:

    I read this book at school and one of my friends read the 2nd book so O told her could we read that for are next lite circle book and she said yes and I just finished the first book today

  79. The guy without a name... says:

    Hi are you gonna make a 3rd wild robot book? Please do if you can because they are really good.

  80. Simie Krieger says:

    Hi –
    I have very much enjoyed reading about the your process in writing The Wild Robot.
    and I’m thrilled to begin reading your book! I actually borrowed it from one of my 1st grade students!

  81. sebastian says:

    Are you making a 3rd wild robot? because I love your books and I want to read it soon.

  82. Susan Greenberg says:

    My second grade class read both robot books this year. They were enthralled. There were many robust conversations about artificial intelligence. It impacted their thinking on so many levels. Each day I was met with, “just one more chapter”. The class agreed they did not want the book to end. Several children ordered their own copies because they could not wait to see what happened to their beloved Roz. The second book was equally compelling and left the class begging for a third. The class wondered if you do skype Q&As since they had many questions about your ideas and writing. Thank you for creating a story that captivates and inspires young readers to become lovers of the written word.

  83. Tom Siembor says:

    Peter- my tech partner and 5th grade teacher suggested reading The Wild Robot. I teach senior high school and junior college economics and government in upstate NY. I have been looking for something to pursue AI , robots, and virtual reality in the economy, in other words, the future. Kids of all ages love a good story…I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Roz. It’s a story that demonstrates many layers of thought…your process of artistic writing is brilliant! Keep the world curious about Roz and AI , robots,it makes us all think and reflect. What more could an artist want? Thanks so much for this gift.

  84. Jessica Kingman says:

    Thank you so much for this amazing book. My 7 year old is in love with this story. We discovered it as an audio book for something to listen to in the car and have borrowed it several times from the library. I am looking to get him his very own copy of The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes so he can read them over and over. Thank you for making a great story to capture a little boys imagination.

  85. Mary says:

    Thank you so much for this book and its sequel! My 8 year old saw this book and instantly wanted to read it. I was concerned that it might be too difficult for him to stick with because he’d not yet really graduated to reading full chapter books but he sailed through the book and loved the story. He was so excited to read the 2nd book and has been bringing it everywhere with him. He loves telling anyone who will listen about the adventures of Roz. So thank you for getting my son so excited about reading! We will keep an eye out for future work from you!

  86. Leslie Means says:

    My son and I have absolutely loved reading the two books in your Wild Robot series. With such amazing characters, strong emotional responses from readers, we both agree it needs to be turned into a movie. Are there any plans for that?

  87. Sebastian says:

    November 14, 2019

    Dear Peter Brown,

    My name is Sebastian and I am eight years old. I love playing sports like soccer and tennis. I also like reading books. I love both of your Wild Robot books because of the way you described Roz’s feelings and actions. My favorite part of the book The Wild Robot was when Brightbill hatched and called Roz “mama”. In the second book my favorite part was when Roz reunited with her animal friends on the island. I even recommended the books to my class to read. I am doing a book report for my school and I have a few questions for you.

    – Why did you give the robot the name Roz?
    – Why did you make Roz’s unit number 7134?
    – Why did you make the books about a robot?
    – Are you writing a third book?

    I hope you can come to my school to talk about your career! Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon!



  88. Julie Higgins says:

    I’ve read The Wild Robot to my third graders over the past couple of years and always we want more! Is there a plan for a third book?
    I think these books are the most intelligent books I’ve ever read to kids. They speak to me personally about the need to be wild, but they engage children in discussions about family, nature, design, ethics, love – so many great things come from reading these books! Thank you. Thank you!

  89. Megan A. says:

    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for writing these books. My son happened to pick up The Wild Robot while in library class at school & asked me to read it to him… we couldn’t put it down. We were moved and invested.
    After we finished the first, he said, “There has to be another book” and one day came bounding in the door with the sequel.
    I just book the two books for him for Christmas so we could read them again together & we’re enjoying them just as much.
    Thank you – for sharing your time & talent & for the priceless time you allowed my son & I to have because of your story.

  90. Kim says:

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful and inspirational story.
    We just finished reading The Wild Robot in our school during reading group. Our young children loved it! We look forward to thinking more about the ideas in the book in the next few weeks together and talking about the concepts and our favorite parts.

  91. arvi says:

    this is a good book

  92. Jackson says:

    Dear Peter,
    I loved The Wild Robot and the second book. My mom and I read both of them together, and I think you should turn these books into movies. It could be such a cool movie. I was in first grade when we started to read The Wild Robot. We read them so quickly because we wanted to know what happened. If you are not thinking about a movie, how about a 3rd book of Roz? Thank you for your books.
    Jackson S.

  93. Hayden age 10 says:

    The book is really nice. I can still remember reading it in 3th grade and I have been reading it. I recommend reading the second book.

  94. Kerry Bassett says:

    We have just read the wild robot and we are now reading the wild robot escapes. My children 13yrs, 6yrs and 5yrs have been completely engrossed in the story. It has been lovely hearing them retell scenes to each other. A lovely story! Really recommend!

  95. Zoey Smith says:

    I am reading this book for school, so I haven’t started yet but it just sounds so So SO GOOD!!!!

  96. kai B says:

    I really like the wild robot I’m looking forward to reading the second book. Me and my family have Lyme disease and that book has helped us along the way with my reading.
    So thank you for making book`s
    p.s.I hope you make more books.

  97. Jake Eckles says:

    I love the book it is sad but good

  98. KrystaiYT says:

    Keeping books alive is what I love!

  99. Edgar says:

    Thank you for Writing these books (The Wild Robot & The Wild Robot Escapes). I loved them so much because nature/wildlife and tech/robots are two of my favorite things and to have them in one book is amazing. I read it then shared it with my mum ( she loves nature too) . I didn’t know you had done two of them until I saw it in my local library. I immediately got it out of the library on the last day before lockdown. I liked how you had short chapters because it made me want to read more and because it made me think that it was great because I would read 10 chapters instead of 2. I also liked that it had different emotions like when Roz got melted in the second book but a happy time was when the creator of them built a now body for Roz and let her go back to the wild. I love books but I also love TV. I think you should try and get it as a TV series or a film. I might also write to the BBC and Netflixs and ask them.

    PS.I love your drawings. are my favourite author

    From Edgar aged 10 from Maldon, Essex, England

  100. Hilary says:

    Please write a third book in the series
    I just visited my 6 year old granddaughter for two weeks and read her both, she wouldn’t let me stop

  101. Jono says:

    The Wild Robot are my favourite books I’ve ever read (I’m 9!). And I’d like to read more stories about Roz and Brightbill. My dad loved it too!

    P.S. I’m planning to make little picture books about Roz and Brightbill on the island, to show my friends.

  102. joshua says:

    please wright a book about brightbill

  103. Zoë Johnson says:

    Did you make any movies?

  104. william mullette says:

    the book is cool but make a therd one

  105. Mikus Arnold says:

    First of all I love? your two books The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes. Second, I think you are the best author in the world.
    And last, I will give you a small challenge: can you make the book The Wild Robot Three. Thanks!?I love the story but, my favorite part of the book is your lovely drawings. I can totally stare at those for hours. Actually my favorite thing to do in my spare time is drawing.

    PS: By the way you make the best books in the whole world.

    From your friend,
    Mikus Arnold California, Los Angeles

  106. Jacob W says:

    Hi! This book was suggested to me by a teacher at my school late June last year. I didn’t actually start reading it until about a month or two ago. To be honest, I was surprised about how much I love this book. I finished it pretty quickly. I saw there was a sequel, and, lets just say.. I know a book that is going on my Christmas list this year.

  107. Parker says:

    I like the book so far.

  108. Andrew says:


  109. Angie says:

    I have now read both books to my second grade classes for the past 3 years. My scholars love them and I do too. I always have to warn them when we get to parts that make me cry (still after reading them 3 times). My daughter is adopted and is ready to fly away to college soon soI connect with Roz when her baby flies away snd returns. I really want a third book but more than that I want your lovely stories to be made into a movie. If there is anything I can do to help get that done, just ask!

  110. Hilde Marie says:

    Hi there. Will there be a third book in the series? My son loves all of your books and him and his friend are hoping there will be one more about Roz.

  111. gibby says:


  112. Torey Holzer says:

    I have been reading The Wild Robot and now The Wild Robot Escapes to my 2nd Graders for read aloud this year. This is just the book that we needed during this uncertain time! My students (as do I) absolutely LOVE your books – we also have a couple of your other fiction books as well in our classroom library!!! We are hoping that there will be a third book soon – and many of my students think that there should be a movie made of each of the books so far. We have been working on visualization and adding details to our writing, an my kids think that you are the best at this. They say that they can picture the story happening in their heads because of how descriptive your writing is – this is crossing over to their writing as well =). We even decorated our classroom door for Halloween with a Wild Robot theme.
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and continuing to write stories that my students can’t wait to read more of.

  113. goluafntoys says:

    can you make a wild robot 3 and 4

  114. Aiden says:

    I read the whole book, it was very interesting! Thanks, Peter for making this book. My favorite part was when Brightbill is born. I like how you explain the story! I can’t wait for the next book!

  115. Jackson says:

    This is one of my all time favorite children’s books! I am thirteen years old and absolutely adored the first and second book.

  116. Mike C says:

    Peter, OMG, my wife , daughter and I read this out loud at night w/ the dog and we LOVE IT !! We’re reading the series for the 2nd time and would LOVE to buy The Wild Robot Tshirt(s) – the illustrations are awesome! How do we buy them?

    Thank you so much for all the family time joy you brought our family!


  117. Anonymouse says:

    I love the wild robot it is an excelent story.My teacher finished reading the book to us and we were all whining about reading the wild robot escapes.I think it is awsome. Also this blog is very helpful for the reflection I am doing on the book.I love the pictures.We are going to read the wild robot in a couple of weeks I can’t wait to read it i’m sure it’s just as great.

  118. Jen Wong says:

    I was introduced to this book by an FB Montessori group for educators and parents. It was highly recommended by several teachers.When my first grader son (7yo) and I picked it up from the library, my son ignored it. I read a couple of chapters to him at bedtime daily and he got hooked. By the time we came to the end of chapter 78, I knew this book was a keeper and ordered the set from an independent bookseller, not from Amazon(after reading your other blog entry about Amazon’s tactics). Lo and behold, when the shipment arrived, my son finished the last two chapters in Book 1 and started reading The Wild Robot Escapes on his own. He finished it after he woke up the next morning. This was the first time that my son said a book made him sad and he wanted to cry. I told him that is what really good books do to people: they move people. Thank you for this soon to be classic.

  119. Amie Gamache says:

    My third graders and I just finished this wonderful novel. provided some delightful curriculum to accompany it (I bought 3 different ones: discussion questions, STEM challenges along with a comprehension guide). I loved the language in the book, the vocabulary caused so many discussions. We laughed and cried and enjoyed the last several weeks immersed in this story. I just sent this link to all my parents to satisfy their children’s curiosity about the end of Roz’s journey. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  120. Madison Rosenbalm says:

    Hi Peter,
    I have read your Wild Robot novels the past three years to my 3rd grade classes and each year they fall deeply in love with the characters! At the end of the final novel, I always promise to check your website to see if you have any news on a third adventure about Roz and Brightbill. Do you think their story will continue? We would love to know!

    Thank you,
    Heppner Elementary School 3rd Grade
    Heppner, Oregon

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks for sharing the Wild Robot novels with your classes! Regarding a book 3, all I can say right now is stay tuned! But I’ll be making an announcement on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram (and on my website) in the not-too-distant future…

  121. a says:

    In my school, I’m doing a book report on the wild robot! 😀

  122. Michelle P says:

    Thank you for your wonderful children’s books! My kids and I adored The Wild Robot and were so excited to learn there was a second book. We loved it as much as the first! Roz is firmly planted in the wonderful memories of my kids; you did a beautiful job! We listened to the books as audio books and loved all the various voices; it was such a delight! Thank you! Hope to find out there will be a third book soon! 🙂

  123. Hellen Lopez says:

    Hello Mr. Peter Brown! I wanted to ask you if you are working on wild robot 3, the 2 books you have made of that totek is an awesome book .

  124. Hello Peter brown inl love the story you made called the wild robot

  125. Isabella says:

    I love this book so much!!! In my class at school we red it and it we are going to read the second book soon.

  126. Lucas (I used this paragraph on my school assignment and the teacher thinks its great!) says:

    The best book is the wild robot escapes because… It is a really fun and cool book and I love the story! When I first read it I through it was amazing and when I read it again I still think it is amazing. I also think the wild robot escapes is really interesting. I love how it teaches about camouflage and migration and other fun stuff! I also think the wild robot escapes is very funny! I love how funny and creative a robot adopting a goose is! Most importantly, something I would change about the wild robot escapes is, I would make it more popular. It is such a good book, the problem is it is not popular/famous at all! Many people are missing out on the funny, creative, and interesting wild robot escapes!

  127. Moon says:

    Awesome book

  128. Keren Justice-Hale says:

    I discovered The Wild Robot Escapes while spending the night with my rowdy nephews. I loved the section I read to them so much that I bought the first book and started reading it to my first grade class. 3 years and 3 classes later, these books are the community builder in our room. Whether we are distance learning or In Person Learning, together as a class or separated into “cohorts”, the Wild Robot is something we consistently share. During quarantine, our entire school day was dismantled. I still read every day from The Wild Robot Escapes. It was our life line. Thank you for this lovely imaginative sweet SWEET story!

  129. Ava Sorrentino says:

    I hope you can come out with an other book. I hope you can come out with a movie.

  130. Mrs. Kerr's 5th Grade class says:

    Hello Peter Brown,

    We really enjoyed reading the Wild Robot and the The Wild Robot Escapes as class read alouds.

    We are wondering if you will be writing a part 3 and if so when it will be released.

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Kerr’s 5th Grade Class from Alberta, Canada.

  131. Daniel Wang says:

    Hey Peter, I love both the escapes and the regular one. But will there be a 3rd book? It’s sad to see them go. Thanks!

  132. coo says:

    i love them does the paper back one have ruff scheches

    • Peter Brown says:

      The paperback versions of both Wild Robot books include sketches from my creative process. Check them out!

  133. Susanna says:

    We love your books! My son wanted to give you a heart on your photos of how you made your book. Your efforts are enjoyed every night . Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

  134. April says:

    We homeschooled our 4th grader this year due to the pandemic and chose The Wild Robot as one of our novel studies. My son and I read it together and both adored it. We just had to read the second book as well. Since then my son has read them again and again. It amazes me how you truly made us care so deeply about a robot. I even shed some tears. Hoping we will see a third book and my son is hoping for a movie. ❤️

  135. Cheryl says:

    Thank you Peter.
    I have just finished reading , ‘The Wild Robot Escapes’ for my grandson. He was reading his paper edition to me, before Covid hit.
    We are now looking forward to again, entertaining ourselves, (including my daughter, who is homeschooling my grandson), with your other books.
    Many Blessings.

  136. Ali says:

    Love the book as a teacher and a mother of a son who is a reluctant reader. His class read the first together and then he tracked down the sequel on his own and read it. I am looking forward to sharing it with my class this year. I really enjoyed reading about your process as an author.

  137. this book is heart warming

  138. Alfie h says:

    I really like your books, I’m close to the end of wild robot escapes! I really hope you are writing the next one! ?

  139. Gracie says:

    Hello, Im in 5th and when i was in 3rd grade my teacher gave this book to mae and i still have it it is such an inspiring book and a great novel i would love for ypu to make a part 3 because i’ve read both books.

  140. Zeryk Kruk says:

    Hi I’m in 5th grade and I was the only kid In my class that has this book and when I said I’m done everyone came up to me and said can I read the book so I would love to have a 3 book.

  141. matt says:

    i can igree that reading it is better

  142. Ryder says:

    Dear Peter

    My name is Ryder Caligure from Buckingham elementary bend, Oregon and I was inspired by your great writing detail but most of all your illustrations there perfect for your book type and nobody could do anything close to what you can do. I’m a young artist in the making and i would love if you could contact me and show me your tricks. I check my school library everyday for the second book of this series and any of your other books. I understand if you cannot contact me and i thank you for you time

    Ryder Caligure

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks for the great comment, Ryder! I am so glad you’ve enjoyed my book…I think you probably mean The Wild Robot. I’m glad to know that you’re a young artist in the making. My best advice is for you to check out some “How To Draw” books from the library and then draw along while following the instructions. You’ll learn some great lessons, and if you practice enough you won’t even need the books anymore. Happy reading and drawing!

  143. Ryder caligure says:

    Thank you for your advice I hope we one day cross paths

  144. Emily Maciejewski says:

    Is there a movie to go with the book? I have seen unit lessons that include compare and contrast the book and movie but have only found movie trailers.

    • Peter Brown says:

      There’s no movie out yet, but one is being made. If all goes well, it’ll be available in about 2 years. Movies take a long time to make.

  145. Alex says:

    Hello Peter I am a 6th grade student and my ELA class is reading your book the Wild Robot and also doing a report on it. I would like to know if there will be a third book on the Wild Robot and how the movie is doing and how it will be.

  146. ryan says:


  147. Rihanna T says:

    Hi Peter I am Rihanna I was just wondering… what got you thinking about unusual things living in surprising places?

  148. Rihanna T says:

    Hi Peter I am Rihanna I was just wondering… what got you thinking of unusual things living in surprising places?

  149. Rihannna says:

    How is Alvina Ling doing?

  150. Jessica O'Neill says:

    Dear Peter,
    I just wanted to post a note to say how deeply my students and I enjoy your Wild Robot books. Our favorite moments as a class are the ones we spend with Roz. Every day, at the end of read-aloud time, my students beg for more. Thank you so much for these beautiful stories and for bringing so much joy and magic to our classroom.
    Ms. O’Neill

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks for the lovely message, Ms. O’Neill! And thanks for sharing my books with your students. Happy reading to you all!

  151. Jahanara says:

    Hello Mr. Brown. My name is Jahanara and I am in fourth grade. I do not know if you still check your replies, but in my class, we are reading “The Wild Robot” and I just wanted to say that you are such an amazing author to me. I am so happy I got to read one awesome book by you. Thank you for writing an amazing book on wilderness and a robot. You are amazing and I love the book so much. Thank you, Jahanara

  152. Ariel says:

    Dear Mr. Brown. Thank you for such a great and loving book. My family ( and me) love reaing it every night. My teacher reads the Wild robot escapes book and the wild robot everyday. So thank you for the amazing book!

  153. Adriana says:

    I love this story I really prefer it for students

  154. Amy H. says:

    I am currently reading this aloud to over 200 fourth grade students. We all love it! I am amazed with their questions and observations. I have loved Roz for years, and they are falling in love with her too. Thank you for writing a book that is wonderful to share!

  155. Andrew says:

    I bought this book for my 7yo son because he loves to read. He usually reads the Dogman series and/or the Minecraft Storymode series of books. I thought I would try to challenge him a bit more than those books while he had some online learning. He started the book about 2 weeks ago and he can’t put it down. He absolutely loves the story and the drawings. He wants to read the next book!

  156. Mrs. Epp's Grade 3 Class says:

    We read both The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes and we LOVED them! Do you have any plans to add a third book? We would love to hear more about Roz and Brightbill. We heard there might be a movie and we hope the movie plans go well!

  157. Hi I am 9-year old Melody Sublett. Me & My Mom used to go to this book club, and eventully i was assigned “The Wild Robot”. I read a few pages and dicded I didn’t like it. years later mom told me to read her 10 chapters so I did the next day I did it by myself every day and before i knew it the book was over but i wanted more i went to the library got the sequel and imedietly started reading at the same time as passing my book to dad my fav part is the winter

  158. Daniel says:

    The idea is so amazing! The plot is perfectly written and the I can’t wait for the 3rd book in the series! Please keep up the great work!

  159. minerva says:

    I love this book! My sister and I love it.

  160. Cia Koop says:

    The Wild Robot & The Wild Robot Escapes are my 2 favorite books ever. I recommend them to everyone (every student and family that I encounter.) When the book first came out, I read it to my 3rd grade class & they loved it. At the end they said they were both happy and sad. They were happy to know how it ended, but sad that it was finished. They didn’t want to say good-bye to the characters they had grown to love. They wanted to know 2 things: Would there be a book 2, and would there be a movie?
    I emailed and the reply from Peter Brown’s assistant was that a sequel was being written. My students cheered loudly for that. The following year, and every year since, I have read both of the books to my 3rd graders. Every year they have loved them. They connect with the characters & the themes, which are so incredible. These books get an emotional response from the students. They clap, they cheer, they come close to tears, because they feel real feelings. For example, when Roz said, “I am just a robot,” I asked my students to respond to that. They said she was not “just a robot”. They said she was a mother, a friend, a storyteller, a helper.
    Now there are several years of students who are waiting for the 3rd book & for the movie. Please let me know if you know the release date for the 3rd book. Also, I read that Dreamworks bought the movie rights, but have they started making the movie yet?
    P.S. When I read the book to the students, of course, I have to read the characters with different “voices.” It makes it more fun for the students, but also for me. Chitchat’s voice is higher pitched & non-stop with hardly a breath taken. Dig Down’s voice is low, along with Mr. Beaver’s. Brightbill’s voice is full of wonder, curiosity, sometimes hesitance, sometimes sadness/troubled, sometimes confidence. Roz’s voice is flat & sounds more computerized, with less natural expression, until she starts to try to sound more friendly. (Students love that).
    So…… if Dreamworks studio hasn’t selected someone for the voice of Roz yet….I’m volunteering to do it for free, raising my hand up high….Pick me! (Dream come true.)

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks for the nice note, Cia! And BIG thanks for sharing the Wild Robot books with your classes, I’m so glad the stories have resonated. It sounds like your readings are incredible. I’ll keep you in mind for voiceover work! 😉

  161. Angie Kilroy says:

    I am a 2nd grade teacher and The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes are by far the best read alouds I have shared with my classes in my 34 years teaching. I read them every year to my 2nd grade scholars and it is amazing how excited and involved my classes become with the story of Roz and Brightbill. Last year, when my only daughter went off to college, the chapters where Brightbill leaves on his first migration and the reunion of Roz and Brightbill afterward and on Hilltop Farm were read with a choked voice through tears. (That definitely needed some explaining to my 2nd graders. Why is Mrs. Kilroy crying? So, this year I warned them ahead of time.) These stories have helped even my most reluctant readers become excited to pick up the book and follow along… maybe even read ahead. We keep our school library copies checked out constantly, have asked them to order a few more, and students get their own copies and bring them from home. We are just finishing The Wild Robot Escapes and they don’t want it to end. When I told my class that book 3, The Wild Robot Protects, will be out next year, they asked me to promise to get it asap and read it to them! I explained that it probably won’t be available until after school is out and they could read it on their own. We also had a discussion about the books being turned into movies and that idea was a definite hit! Pixar was their studio of choice (animation connoisseurs that they are). Thank you so much for taking the time to bring Roz to life and share her story with us.

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thank you for the lovely words! And thanks for sharing the Wild Robot books with your students! I’m so glad everyone is enjoying them. And yes, stay tuned for The Wild Robot Protects!

  162. Angie Kilroy says:

    What a fabulous example of perseverance for writers young and old! We came upon this in class today when we were looking you up and my 2nd grade scholars were amazed that the writing of The Wild Robot took more years than they have been alive.

  163. 3A at FCPS says:

    We read The Wild Robot in class and it sounds like all those years paid off. We were really intrigued by this book. We are planning to buy and read the sequel. We liked all the action?? We all loved the book and thought it was awesome. The Illustrations were really nice. It was very emotional and this book was epic! We really like it.
    Are you planning to write a third book?

  164. preston says:

    i wish you made a wild robot comic book…

  165. starfish says:

    I find it very inspiring that you got to meet your goal and publish a book, with a whole sequel at that! Seriously, congratulations to you man. Super proud!

  166. Max says:

    Hey Peter! The Wild Robot series was amazing and I just finished the first book for the second time! I really hope this turns into a movie at some point because just imagining it makes it seem like it would be awesome. I remember reading it and imagining the pictures moving, and if this were to become a movie/series, I would want it to stick with the same art style. Just because it leaves this warm feeling on you after you see the pictures. Great book!

  167. kayden says:

    Wow this book is so good our school does a thing called book club where we read really good books and i choose the wild robot and its so cool

  168. mujaahid says:

    this book is so cool and i want more i am doing book club and my name is mujaahid

  169. Waajid says:

    Peter brown you had a very, very ,lovely book it had lot’s of feeling in it.Your a good writer and a good drawer.Where do you get these idea’s from?

  170. Olivia says:

    Good book !

  171. Aisha says:

    Me:*sitting on the floor in class*
    Friend:get up
    Me:it’s too saaaaaaaaaad
    If is very emotional and good. Bravo Peter Brown!

  172. Rebecca says:

    Dear Peter Brown I am from Ramridge primary school and we just finished the first book and our next class book is the sequel for next term and I’ve heard that your third book of the wild robot is on Amazon but not others and I want to get it soooo bad I mean it’s so touching especially Brightbill getting separated from his mother Roz . Please make a forth book .

    Yours sincerely (see name at top)

  173. Enzo says:

    My name is Enzo and I love the book The Wild Robot my favourite part is when Roz adopted Brightbill.

  174. Alyxander says:

    Hey Peter! I read the book in my school for English and it was really good! The ending made me cry. It’s just sad. But luckily Roz escapes from those lazy people in the 2nd book. Also, how is the 3rd book going?

  175. Rudy says:

    hi I’m Rudy age 6 me and my dad read the book. My favourite part was when Roz found the egg!

  176. Jake says:

    So cool when are you going to make a 3rd book

  177. Eyv Rios says:

    Dear Peter,
    My second grade students just finished reading their very first novel ever–The Wild Robot. At first, they were overwhelmed by how many chapters there were. But little by little they invested more and more of their hearts into the story and didn’t want to put it down. In the final chapter they were in tears and my teacher heart rejoiced knowing they finally understood the power of great writing. Your book will be one they will remember for a long time. Thank you for the magic!

    • Peter Brown says:

      This is so great to hear. Thanks for sharing The Wild Robot with your students, Eyv! Happy reading to you all!

  178. irrum shah says:

    hi peter brown dtone your book the wild robot was amazing it nealy going to make me cry towards the end continue making fantastic books i cant wait to see book3

  179. irrum shah says:


  180. Cyndy's Novel Studies class says:

    Dear Peter,
    We just finished reading The Wild Robot in our Grade 4 Novel Studies class in Beijing, China. We all loved the book because of the interesting characters and beautiful drawings. Our favorite characters are Chitchat, Roz, and Mr Beaver. We like Chitchat because she is very talkative like us. We like Mr Beaver because he saved the day when he made Roz a new foot. And of course, we like Roz because she is so kind, helpful, and smart. Our favorite part of the book was when the birds pooped on the Recos. We heard that there is going to be a movie. We are so excited! When will it be out and what kind of movie will it be? We think it should be claymation or CGI.

  181. Karla Arias says:

    Hello My name is Karla and i’am reading the wild robot ando I like it too much.

  182. Paula Brumley says:

    Will The Wild Robot be a movie? My students LOVED the book!! That was the question they wanted me to ask.

  183. Mohid Hussain says:

    Hello Peter Brown,
    I really enjoyed both of your books (especially the second one), but just wanted to know if there will be a movie because I really want one, and I haven’t even seen a trailer.

    • Peter Brown says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the Wild Robot books! Book 3 is coming out on September 26, it’s called The Wild Robot Protects, I hope you’ll check it out. Also, it looks like there WILL be a Wild Robot movie! But movies take a long time, so it probably won’t be out for a couple of years. Stay tuned

  184. Mohid Hussain says:

    Hello Peter Brown,
    I really loved reading your wild robot books. I just wanted to know if there will be a movie of it or not because I haven’t seen any trailers yet.

  185. Viaan says:

    Peter brown,
    I really like your Wild Robot books. I was hoping for a fourth book. I would name it the Wild Robot Finds Its Home. When the movie comes out, if you make one,
    can you make it in theaters? Do you think there will be three movies? One for every book?
    But when I read your book Oh! My! God! It was so good. I loved it so much.
    I am so excited for your third book.
    Your second one didn’t feel like he was escaping in the first half. When I was reading the first book, I thought he had to escape the island. I really liked your books, I can’t wait for your new book. Bye!

  186. Great Bonding Time!
    My seven year old son was assigned to read out loud every day for school. At first it was a major “have-to-listen” as a parent to make sure he was progressing, but soon became a wonderful part of my day being able to get cozy with him on the couch and get lost into such a great book that both a parent and child could enjoy together. Thank you for creating this enjoyable series… he’s just now about to get the third book and we are thrilled that there will be a movie! It has turned into one of my favorite memories of 2023.

  187. Elizabeth says:

    I read this book in third grade and it was the best! When I discovered the sequel, I was so excited! When I heard recently that the most recent third book came out, I put it on hold online at my local library. It took over six weeks before I got my turn but it was so worth it! As a middle school aged writer, I can easily believe that you are among the most talented authors I’ve ever seen!

  188. Elizabeth says:

    Also (I’m not expecting you can answer, BTW), do you have any tips for young writers like me?

    • Peter Brown says:

      If you ever get stuck with your writing, don’t be afraid to stop writing and start reading. Pick up a book and as you read think about what you like about that book, or what you don’t like about it. Before long, you’ll be eager to get back to your own writing, and you might even have some new ideas in mind that you can try out.

  189. Elizabeth says:

    Also, I LOVE your books never stop writing!!!

  190. Madden says:

    This was the best book ever! I loved it!

  191. liam says:

    make a book 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  192. irrum shah says:

    i love your book please make part 4 i love your books my whole class wants part 4 pls reply back

  193. Jeffrey B Glover says:

    Hello Mr. Brown,
    I am a 4th grade teacher in New Hampshire. I have read your books to my classes for years. As a sequel comes out I read that as well. We just finished The Wild Robot Protects and the students stood and cheered raucously. They love your writing. Please keep them coming (a big ask)! The kids would love it if you responded to them.

    • Peter Brown says:

      Thanks for sharing the Wild Robot books with your students! I’m so glad they enjoyed Roz’s newest adventure. I’m in talks with my publisher about making more, so stay tuned!

  194. Quinn Choo Cruz says:

    Dear Peter Brown,my name is Quinn.I love the Wild Robot series.can you name the 4th book The Wild Robot Succeeds?


  195. Daniel Pond says:

    I love the wild robot and heard the news about the new movie about it! I would like the wild robot series so much more if you could possibly make more of them? Think about it.

  196. Georgina says:

    My son and I are nearly at the end of your 3rd book. We came to love Roz and your books so much and tonight my son asked me to ask if there would be any more? They are truly wonderful, so we hope so 🙂

    • Peter Brown says:

      I’m working on some ideas for a possible 4th book! But it’s far too soon to say for sure that another Wild Robot novel will definitely happen. Stay tuned!

  197. Hi I love your books they’re amazing! Can you make a wild robot 4, and are you really making a movie about the books I’m super curious about that but make a wild robot 4 please!

  198. Ethan Ador says:

    Hey Peter brown! When will the movie come out also my class is reading book one! I love the story I jsut got the wild robot protects ordered I’m gonna get the other 2 eventually goodbye

  199. Raivd says:


  200. charlotte says:

    woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.Its gunu be a move!

  201. Mrs.M. says:

    Somehow the YouTube comment section got me here.

    My friend messages me saying she just saw, “The Wild Robot” film trailer and mentioned it nearly made her cry. I soon discovered the link directly to the film trailer on “Universal Pictures“ YouTube channel. I viewed it and got shivers. Then I excitedly looked into the comment area wanting more info.

    One of the top comments mentioned this film was based on a book.
    Feel very honored to read your blog about how this book came into being and your process.
    Plan to order the book soon, I’m super intrigued. Thank you in advance. Thank you for also mentioning the software you used, I might mull over that if I ever want to get serious on my story.

  202. Maysie Bishop says:

    Dear Peter Brown,
    I wanted to thank you very deeply for the creation of these books. I remember starting the audiobook of The Wild Robot on a roadtrip nearly five or six years ago when I was around nine. I got through a bit, but as life often does, things change and you forgot to finish things. My brother a year or so later read the book and was obsessed with it, which surprised me, as he is a reluctant reader. It got to the point of where he would beg to read aloud the book to my sister on yet another car ride. I regret I didn’t listen along. Instead I read something else, and went on. The years went by, and my brother read the second book and recently read some of the third (we sadly missplaced The Wild Robot Protects). I was just beginning high school, and had considerably less time than I used to, and so did not set The Wild Robot high on my priority list. I also was (and still am) terribly obsessed with art and animation, and would draw any moment I could and creating my own stories.
    Then four days ago I saw The Wild Robot trailer and I was shocked into tears. It was the most beautiful animation and storytelling I had seen in ages, and tore up huge amounts of nostalgia. I proceeded to grab my brother’s copy of The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes, read them in three days, and watch the trailer again nearly forty times as I binged. I cried after I finished each book, especially when I watched the trailer again right after.
    To put it simply, I underestimated these book, and I, a nearly sixteen-year-old girl, am now an emotional mess. These books are not just middle grade novels, they are novels about being alive and human. They are pieces of prose that are poetry at heart, just like how Roz is a robot but a beautiful beast in her soul. They discuss so simply, so seemingly easily, very difficult subjects that even adults discuss with uncertainty. You writing built a safe space for children to think about subjects that their parents pretend that they can shelter them from, and lets them feel pain and grief in a place where it both is and isn’t “ok”. Where they can learn how to handle the terrors of humanity by seeing the beauty and hoping, hoping with all of their heart. It was New York Times Bestseller for a reason, and I doubt I will ever shut up about this book, and when I possibly publish my own story about nature and the environment, I will cite this as one of the biggest inspirations.
    Once I get my hands on a copy of the third book, I will be reading it IMMEDIATELY.
    Thank you,

    • Peter Brown says:

      Hi Maysie, thanks for sharing your experiences with The Wild Robot. Your words are really touching. I am so glad that your brother’s excitement for the book got you to revisit it, and that you’ve enjoyed the first 2 books. I hope you’ll check out The Wild Robot Protects!

      Best of luck with your own writing,

  203. Erin Spires says:

    Hello Mr. Brown,
    Our 3rd Grade class in Logan, Ohio just finished reading your last book, The Wild Robot Protects. We are anxious to hear if you will be writing another book (book #4). We love Roz, Brightbill, Glimmer and now the Goslings! Thank you for your amazing writing that keeps us so engaged!

  204. Charlotte says:

    I’m in year 6 at Wirrianda public school our class loves reading The Wild Robot Roz

  205. Sara A says:

    My 7 year old and I both absolutely love these books! We don’t know the ending yet of book 3 (though we will in a few days, they’re going through them fast) but do you have any plans for a book 4, if that is even possible? I know you must be really wrapped up in the film now, we are all excited for you, and maybe that’s given you more inspiration to continue the series? Thank you for this incredibly moving, beautiful, human book. I’m going to show this wonderfully inspiring blog post to my kiddo as well!

  206. I love your books and hope to be an author like you someday

  207. Kaitlyn Williamson says:

    Hi Peter,
    My name is Kaitlyn Williamson, a 3rd grade teacher in Tucson, Arizona. We just finished reading The Wild Robot Protects and enjoyed looking at your website, and the process you went through to create this wonderful series. I also showed them the movie trailer for the upcoming movie. We got are so excited for it! We were wondering how you feel about your book becoming a movie? Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you for all you do!

  208. Joshua Leclerc says:

    Peter, you’re an amazing writer, all three books kept me invested for two weeks (until I finished them lol). I dream of becoming an author one day and this has really shown me more of the actual process, and primarily that the final story will not be the same the original. No one is ever complete without their team, a team will have it done faster. It would feel like a dream come true if my book got a successful trilogy and movie, you must feel amazing, and you have earned it.

  209. Kingston says:

    hi Peter Brown I LOVE the wild robot the ending is sad though I can’t wait to read “the wild robot escapes”

  210. Alphalovesbooks? says:

    Peter Brown I love your book.My sister Aisha

  211. rusty(izzy) says:

    Dear Peter Brown I love your first book but didn’t read the other one.

  212. Rajan says:

    Dear Peter Brown I really love your book but it’s sad at the end.

  213. elflovesbooksoke says:

    Dear Peter Brown I love your book it was good and was also emotional

  214. Kingston says:

    I love the wild robot can’t wait to read the wild robot escapes


    Hello Peter Brown my name is Mario :] . I LOVE your book, The Wild Robot it is FULLLLLLLL of emotions and happiness and sad :{ and by the way i am from this school called Ramridge Primary School and we read this book for English. Also when we read the last part of the book everyone was sad because Roz had to leave he island and can you do a part 4 and PLEASE respond to it :] yeah and now we are reading the book where Roz escapes.

  216. Zaviyar says:

    Hi Peter we read your first and it was so emotional when Roz left the island and getting separated from BrightBill by the way we haven’t read your second book I bet it is gonna be good.

  217. luke says:

    Hello Peter Brown your book is very good and FULL of emotion i have been learning your book at school in english i like your book it deseves a movie

  218. Aminas says:

    Peter Brown , I am Aminas and I am from Ramridge Primary school , I love your books especially your first book when Roz adopted Brightbill the gosling and Nettle and Thorn sacrifice their self for Roz.

  219. Izzy says:

    Dear, Peter Brown
    I like the book because Bright bill and the whole island fought the recos .

  220. Kasrinah says:

    Hello Peter, I loveeeee your book! I adore The Wild Robot and I hope I could listen to all of your books. Also, I am from Ramridge Primary school. And we are moving on to your 2nd book. Finally, I have a few questions, what inspired you to be an author? Why did you base your book on a robot? What made you have this idea of a robot, a goose being adopted? I really hope you have the time to respond.(My twin Might give me a clue of your books).

  221. Alessia-maria says:

    Hey, it`s Alessia here. I just wanted to talk about your book The Wild Robot. My class just finished reading it. The whole class was devastated to find out Roz had to leave the island, her home! Our teacher is looking forward to read The Wild Robot Escapes. Thank you for writing this amazing book, bye!

  222. Kingston says:

    Hi peter brown my name is kingston and I LOVE the wild robot

  223. Adrian says:

    It was a really good book and the ending was so sad. Why did Roz leave the island? I think the next book will be even better than the first, if that’s possible.

  224. Maisie says:

    Dear Peter Brown, I love your book it is heart touching and moving at the end and although Roz leaves he does it for the safety of his friends. One of my favourite parts is when Roz saves Thorn after Thorn pulls off his leg and Roz shows forgiveness. I can’t wait to read the next book!

    From, Maisie

  225. Shabi and Millie says:

    Dear Peterbrown your book is realy good can’t wait to read the next one.

  226. Yeashfa baig says:

    Dear Peter Brown,I loved the book it was emotional and awesome i really loved the bit when Roz adopted Brightbill.Im waiting to read the escaping book.

  227. Ryan says:

    Hi Peter brown my name is Ryan I really like your book it’s really sad at the end though I thought it was going to be a happy ending but it left me at a cliffhanger, and I really wanted to know what happened.Why did the makers want Roz so badly ?

  228. Alyssa said says:

    Dear Peter Brown
    I have read the book the wild robot and I really like all the tiny litle detale in the book
    i felt really bad for brightbill
    from your reader

  229. Kingston says:

    hi peter brown i love the wild robot!!!!!!

  230. Esma says:

    Dear Peter Brown I am fascinated by your books you have written. I’m looking forward to reading ”The Wild Robot Escapes” and one more thing, I have to ask, why were the ”Recos so desparte to take Roz

  231. Esma says:

    Dear Peter Brown I LOVE how you made the ”The Wild Robot” but the ending is so sad but now me and my class are on the ”The Wild Robot Escapes”. I’m looking forward to reading the ending. So I cant wait! from Esma

  232. Aminas says:

    I love your books when Thorn and Nettle risk their lives for Roz, by the way my name is Aminas and I am from Ramridge Primary school and I am eight years old soon I will 9 :). You are such a good author:)

  233. Esma says:

    Dear Peter Brown
    My name is Esma, I’m amazed by your work and I LOVE your books. My class is on ”The Wild Robot escapes” I love it as you can see by my comment . So I’m hoping you can respond to my comment .
    From Esma

  234. Austin Bowen says:

    I go to john Dryden School my teacher’s miss Smith and she read your books and she loves them And her biggest question is Are you going to make a book 4 ??? And personally I love your books too so whatever you’re doing great job 😉

  235. Austin Bowen says:

    I go to john Dryden School my teacher’s miss Smith and she read your books and she loves them And her biggest question is Are you going to make a book 4 ??? And personally I love your books too so whatever you’re doing a great job 😉

  236. I love the Wild Robot! Roz is a Messianic Christlike figure. She dies and resurrects, and is also a Redeemer. She is also a lot like Moses, and a great deal like Noah. Did you intend to have Biblical themes, or did the Holy Spirit inspire you to write books with Christian undertones? I have recommended the books and upcoming movie to my church.

  237. Keep up the amazing work! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.

  238. Isa says:

    I love your books

  239. Isa cisneros says:

    I hope you keep writing more books for readers like me to love!

  240. joseph says:

    the best book I’ve ever read

  241. Pierson says:

    Peter Brown,
    Thank you for writing the series The Wild Robot books. I loved the adventures like when Roz went to stop the poison tide in The Wild Robot Protects. It was amazing when Roz could swim underwater and stopped the poison tide with the help of the Ancient shark and others. I noticed in each book Roz was peaceful and wanted to help others when she could.
    Will the other books be made in a movie?
    Which of these books was your favorite book to write?
    What will Roz’s next adventure be?

  242. irrum shah says:


  243. Bennett M says:

    Hello Peter,
    The wild robot is definitely my favorite book of all time. And having read the entire series I don’t want it to end yet. So I wanted to ask you, are you are planning on making a fourth book? Thank you for your time and effort spent on making these wonderful books!

  244. Ryder Chen says:

    What will the 4th wild robot book be called?

  245. Ryder Chen says:

    Cuz these books are a heck of a banger!!!

  246. Eddie t-s says:

    I really liked the book and I am exited for the movie. It will be so cool.

    Your biggest fan, Eddie Townley-Smith 😉 🙂

  247. Eddie t-s says:

    By the by, are you making a 4th book? I LOVED all your books!!!! 🙂 😉

  248. Sanvi Joshi says:

    I am 9 years old and I have read your book it’s soooooo good. A friend told me about this book so I started reading it. I didn’t think to much first but after I started reading I couldn’t stop! I’m going to read the second book soon. I’m so excited for it. Thank you for making this book!!!

  249. Prairie Burgess says:

    Hi ma name is Atticus and I’m 10. I am loving The Wild Robot and I want to ask you about your sketches. What style of art are these done in? They are really cool.

  250. Eddie t-s says:

    dear Peter,
    i love your books. i hope you make a forth.


  251. Tammy Irminger says:

    I am a librarian in Kansas! I am doing an adventure/outdoor theme in the library and would LOVE a cardboard cut out of Roz!!! Where can I find one?!?!

  252. Aidan Adhami says:

    This is a great book from Peter, hope you can continue this and make even better books!

  253. Sam says:

    Love your book!

  254. Max says:

    Your book is amazing. I read it at school as a class novel and we all love it!

  255. Stephen Wright says:

    No father figure in this = hard pass.

    • Peter Brown says:

      I’m sorry you feel that way. I agree that fathers are important. But the fact is that many kids don’t have fathers, or father figures, and their lives are really difficult. I think their stories deserve to be told so that we have greater appreciation for the real-life moms and families who live with that burden. With this story I tried to tell an engaging mother/son story wrapped up in an imaginative fictional world. I hope you’ll give it a shot.

  256. Michelle says:

    Thank you for this response, Peter. I’m taking my son (and husband!) to see the movie this weekend, but will definitely be getting the book (I wish it could be one of those beautiful hard covers).

    Your description of your process here is so wonderful — thank you for the sweat and soul you put into into this story.

  257. K.J.Taylor says:

    This article was such a joy to read! Perhaps partly so because I’m an author too, so a lot of it was nostalgic for me. There’s nothing like the feeling of getting your manuscript printed out and sent to you for final marking up before it goes to print! Anyway, I watched the movie adaptation and loved it, and when the credits mentioned that it was based on a book I went out and bought a copy right away. Congratulations and best wishes for whatever comes next!

  258. Jerry says:

    IMO if there is no father figure, mothers invent them. Or triangulate / borrow one. Santa Claus, Jesus, God.

  259. Evie says:

    I am really hoping that there is a book 4. My mum introduced me to the wild robot with the movie, and I loved it so much that I knew I had to read the books. It has been 10 days and I have already read the 3 books out yet! I can’t wait for book 4!

  260. Anne Jonkers says:

    I did not know what to expect when I started reading your book this summer. I can honestly say, it is become my new favorite story and I decided it should be shared with my students. As it turned out, the librarian of my school is highlighting your book in her book and breakfast this month. I volunteered to help her with the culminating activity because she had twice as many students interested as she had originally planned for. Whoever wants to see the movie can meet us at the theater along with her parents. I can’t wait! By the way, do you participate in author visits either virtually or in person?

  261. Liam Figueroa says:

    Please make a prequel about the animals

  262. Nev says:

    So proud and so impressed. We are planning to buy a set for our 22 students to read in class. Can we reach out to your publisher to buy a classroom set? Do you have a contact?

  263. Lil timmy says:

    Make the fourth book of the wild robot please!!!!!!!

  264. Dr. Louis Verardo says:

    Thank you for writing this book. I bought a copy months ago for my younger grandson and we read it together the last time we visited with him in Washington DC. Now, today (10/6/24), he is going with his father to see the movie based on your book! What a different take on robots you created; congratulations!

  265. L'Emira Heba Dandan says:

    Hi Peter,

    I joined the Writing project with Lucy and I was so impressed of your story. I would love to have like a video to share with my students to inspire them and at after reading your books we can go to watch the movie.
    Guess what we have it in Egypt!

  266. Zachary Way says:

    I just watched the movie. I never knew that it was based on books. I didn’t even know the movie was coming out until a couple days beforehand. Anyway, it completely blew me away. The chemistry between all the characters and how Bright Bill had growing pains and wanted to fit in and kind of rejected his mom for a little bit, and how the forest animals started to accept her little by little, and how their unique growth allowed them to save not just the geese, but the whole forest separately only to come together again and realize the meaning of love. It was incredible. Every minute of the movie I had a bigger grin than the last minute. You had to have had a really solid book for the movie to be that good. I should go read them. And knowing Dreamworks and how they love their franchises, they’ll probably have plenty of sequels which I look forward to if they follow your books so well. I liked it better than Wall-e which was my favorite movie in 2008. Major kudos.

  267. BNB says:

    Will there be more books after the third one or is it the last?

  268. Zachary says:

    Kind of sad my comment got deleted instead of posted. I guess it was too spoilery. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. Love the movie and will tune into any potential sequels and check out the books someday.

    • Peter Brown says:

      Your comment wasn’t deleted but we have to approve each comment and we’ve been pretty busy with a book tour and movie release. But we’re all glad you enjoyed the movie and hope you’ll check out the books.

  269. Zachary says:

    Sorry! I knew that but saw new ones appear after mine and worried too much. Keep up the good work creating and inspiring empathy, beauty, trust, and vulnerability in a world becoming sometimes too seemingly guarded and jaded. Thank you!

  270. DeryaG says:

    Hello Peter,

    I hope this message finds you well. I’ve watched the movie Wild Robot today.I love watching animation movies. The Wild Robot’s stiry seemed compelling so I decided o watch. However, as an animation movie lover, I am also very used to the storylines, the stiryarchs and the development of stories going some way so I wasn’t necessarily expectng to wtch such a great movie. It was beyond my expectations at every level but the best part was the layered story line which semed very unique to me. It almost had multiple storylines. After wathing it, I got curious, I did a little search to learn more about the movie and the story and then I learnt that it was actually base on a book (indeed a book series). I also saw your website where you sahred the creation process towards this story. The stiry impacted me deeply and I don’t know wh yI wanted to sahre with you Thansk for wprking so hard and sharing your talent wth the world.

  271. Saw the trailer for the film many months ago and thought, ‘that looks incredible’. Saw the book. Bought the book. Read it in a fortnight to my 8 and 5 year old. Was a wonderful experience. Beautifully crafted. Moving, funny and touching. I had to have my 8 year read the ending as I was so moved.

    I am a screenwriter. Thank you for sharing the process. I marvel and emphasise with your journey.

  272. Maureen McCann says:

    Thank you for sharing that you’re beautiful process with us. Thank you for showing us the depth of your creative Network.
    By that I mean, your brain.
    I’m so looking forward to this film. Congratulations!

  273. dear peter brown i just finished watching the wild robot movie and i thi it looks so good! i’ve also read about the other books too and i was hoping you could give more imformation about a 4th book i really hope you can do it! i love all your books but please tell me if here is going to be a 4th book please, so get back to me as soon as possible. THANKS!

  274. peter please tell me if your going to make a 4th book of the wild robot i cant wait please tell me the release date PLEASE!!

  275. Adrian says:

    I am a homeschooled 2nd grader. We just finished the 3rd book. Please, please, please make a 4th book! Maybe call it The Wild Robot Learns To Fly. I love your books. I really hope you make another one.

  276. Soof says:

    Dear Peter,
    I have watched the film two times already, you told a beautiful story. I am excited to start reading the book too! I am now writing an essay for university in which I am using The Wild Robot (film) as a case study.
    I hope you are doing well!

  277. James says:

    Dear Peter brown, I just finished a 6th grade book report on your book like 30 minutes ago, and just so you know. I read this book about 3 years ago, and wanted to read again, so I did a book report on it. I think it was great. And I have a question. Before your book was announced a movie, about how many people were reading when it was made?

  278. James says:

    Peter Brown, did you design the style to your movie?

  279. Azennett Castillo says:

    Peter Brown, Is the next book coming in 2025?

    Some research says that it will be out on June 2025 for the fourth book according to Amazon aka The wild robot in the islands

    • Peter Brown says:

      The Wild Robot On The Island will be published in June of 2025, and is a simple retelling of The Wild Robot novel in a big, colorful, illustrated picture book format.

  280. Kitty Black says:

    I am wondering if you designed the font for “The Wild Robot” on the front cover of the book? Or was it a font you and Creative Director – Dave Caplan you decided on?

  281. Xavier says:

    Pls make a 4 I just finished #3 and I don’t want it to end 🙁

  282. Tameka Sykes says:

    Thank you for creating Roz. I loved it!

  283. Kitty Black says:

    Thank you! The cover and font is beautiful! I love fonts 🙂

  284. baz says:

    i am learning about you at school

  285. Cathy (Gramma) Clark says:

    I am a grandmother of 6. The two youngest, 9 and 14, still love being read aloud to (a blessing to me!). Most recently, I have been reading your Wild Robot books during the 40 or so minutes I spend in the school drop-off line with my 9-year-old granddaughter. We have the first two books in the trilogy, but she wanted to start with “The Wild Robot Escapes,” because she had “seen the movie.” (Now that I read that you were not involved in the making of the movie, I am not interested in seeing it, btw.) Anyway, we are now reading the first book, and I just had to write and tell you how much we have enjoyed escaping the boredom of waiting in the car by going with Roz on her adventures! I, personally, am captivated by your writing style, how you pause to address the reader from time to time, and am especially fond of your use of “polysyndeton,” and, yes, I had to look it up! Every time we come across a list in the story, that is strung together with ‘and,’ I stop and look at Emelia and she says, “Gramma, please! I know how much you love that … you don’t need to tell me again!” I searched online for you this morning and found you here. I just wanted to let you know how your stories AND your artwork have enriched my life as a grandmother. I will stay alert to the arrival of your next book … AFTER we purchase and read #3 … The Wild Robot Protects!

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