The Wild Robot will escape…next Spring!

I was blown away by the amazing response to my first novel, The Wild Robot. Thank you to everyone who read and shared it! I’ve been hard at work on the sequel, The Wild Robot Escapes, and I cannot wait for you all to find out what happens to Roz after she leaves the island.

What I love most about writing children’s novels is how it forces me to focus on what’s truly important to the story. I don’t want to bore young readers with unnecessary details. And so, when in doubt, I keep the story simple. This approach worked pretty well in The Wild Robot. The story takes place on one island, with a limited cast of main characters, and involves familiar things like geese and forests and ponds, and of course, robots.

It was important to me that I maintain that simple writing style in the sequel. However, the sequel takes place in a much bigger and more complicated world. The Wild Robot is about Roz learning to survive on one island. The Wild Robot Escapes is about Roz learning to survive in civilization, with humans and robots and technology and industry, in rural and suburban and urban settings. It’s complicated stuff, and I’m trying to simplify it for readers of all ages, and it’s taking longer than expected.

This is my long, rambling way of announcing that I need more time to write and illustrate The Wild Robot Escapes, and we’ve decided to move the publication date. Instead of coming out on October 3, 2017, it will now be published on March 13, 2018. I’m sorry to make you wait longer, but I’d much rather have the book be late and get it right, than be on time and get it wrong. So I hope you’ll stay tuned for more announcements, and I really hope you’ll check out The Wild Robot Escapes next spring. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.

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47 responses to “The Wild Robot will escape…next Spring!”

  1. Patricia Brue says:

    Brilliant! I am so excited for your next book. The Wild Robot was by far my favorite book last year. So thought provoking! I can’t wait to deliver a one two punch to my library students. Good luck!

    • Mariya Shadrina, Ohio says:

      I loved the first book because it touched the most mundane themes in this world- love, family, sacrifice for another, and home. Can’t wait for the sequel!!! Thank you, Peter, for making our world a kinder place!

    • Ethan says:

      I hope this is just like the last one

  2. Amelia R. says:

    I really liked reading your book “The Wild Robot” and I’m really excited for “The Wild Robot Returns.” I think it was really cool when Roz found the egg and took care of the gosling, Brightbill, who called her “mama.” Thanks for writing it; it’s an awesome book. I like how you show how you make your books and how the process of writing works. I also like “Children Make Terrible Pets,” “The Curious Garden,” and “Mr. Tiger Goes Wild.”

  3. Madeleine B says:

    Hi! Big fan here!!!! I love your books and I was SUPER dissapointed
    when I the book ended. I LOVE the new book cover! Happy Thanksgiving!
    – Maddy 🙂

  4. Shanna Calvasina says:

    We just finished reading The Wild Robot today with our seven year old son. We were all a little teary eyed at the end, what a fantastic work! We are eagerly awaiting the continuation of Roz’s story! Thank you for sharing your imagination and hard work with us.

  5. Ben says:


  6. Evan Ferro says:

    I love this book! Super exciting

  7. Joan Sutton says:

    Hello! My 6 year old grandson and I are loving “The Wild Robot!” I read it to him on FaceTime almost every day after school. I love to see his little face totally involved with the story and when the gosling was in danger, how he gripped the chair in which he was sitting. Our hearts both go out to Roz and her efforts as a wonderful mother. We love all the animals on the island and how Roz relates to them. Thank you for a great story! We’ll embark on the sequel as soon as we finish The Wild Robot.

  8. Nihya Mitchell says:

    I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. One of my favorite part in the wild robot book is when Roz found the egg and as a robot she took care of the gosling Brightbill. And i love all of your work especially the wild robot . I love your work keep it up.

  9. Nihya Mitchell says:

    I love this book so much . My favorite part is when Roz found the egg and as a robot she took care of the gosling.I am a big fan of your work so keep it up.

  10. Erick Vargas says:

    I loved the last book.It was amazing.I loved how Roz the robot was like a mother to Brightbill.I also liked when Roz built all those lodges to keep the animals from the cold.I also liked when all the animaIs set up traps to kill the RECO’s.I am super excited to read The Wild Robot Escapes.I think that you did a fantastic job writing The Wild Robot.

  11. Kristin West says:

    Will there be a third wild robot book?

  12. Trisha says:

    My 9 year old son ADORES your Wild Robot books. We only let him listen to audio books after he reads the actual books. Now that he has read both he listens to the Alexa audio books over and over and over. 🙂 I hope you will continue the series. GREAT WORK!

  13. Sebastian says:

    I like your books can you make a 3th book I like to read it soon.

  14. Sue Wheeler says:

    My grandson loves this series. Book store said there would be a book 3. Is that an accurate statement?

    • Peter Brown says:

      Glad to hear it! I’ve got a few more books in the pipeline, so it’ll take a while, but I am toying with the idea of writing a 3rd Wild Robot book.

  15. Abby Trandel says:

    Dear Peter Brown,
    My full name is Abigail Yu Trandel. I live in Dresden Tennessee and I am in eighth grade now.I have read two of your books and I’m a huge fan. If you are writing the third book, I love to include when Brightbill meet with his mate and have kids. This one is my idea and I hope you like it.
    Love Abby Trandel

  16. Jennifer S says:

    Please, I beg you, to write a third story in this series. My children and I are captivated by the audio books and they never want me to stop the car when were listening, but we also don’t want the books to end. Can’t wait to read more of your books.

  17. Susan Ahrens says:

    Well…as a family we have unanimous agreement that both Robot books are the best children’s books ever. I fancy myself a children’s book expert since I have 20 grandchildren. Can’t keep count of friends and family that are also reading the Robot books at our recommendation. We are on our knees asking for a third story about Roz❤️

  18. angus says:

    i love this book series SOOO much!!!!!!!

  19. Linda Stroh says:

    My 8 year old granddaughter and I had a wonderful time last summer reading the Wild Robot together when I visited her home in Pittsburgh. Then I went home to Florida. We’ve had a long distance book club reading about Roz’s escape and then talking on the phone about what we’d read. We both are now begging for #3. Wonderful books with so many lessons for everyone. Thank you!

  20. Nathan B. says:

    My name is Nathan and I am in third grade. I love both Wild Robot books so much! I would very much appreciate the opportunity to read a third one.



    p.s. This is Nathan’s Dad and we love your work! Thanks!

  21. Emmett says:

    Strike while the iron is hot! Please post an update about a third book if that is in fact in the works! Inquiring minds want to know!

  22. Mrs. Lee says:

    My students LOVE these books every year. They are really hoping a 3rd book is coming this year. They looked at the previous publishing dates and were thinking it is time for that 3rd book. Please let us all know if there is another one on the way.

  23. sara says:

    This book will be awesome

  24. Carrie says:

    Will there be a wild robot 3?

  25. Amanda says:

    My son and I absolutely loved reading both Wild Robot books! We are hoping for a third?

  26. Shelley Penewit says:

    I just saw “The Wild Robot Protects” is this book three? I want to tell my Second Graders but am not sure I saw correctly. Please respond?
    Shelley Penewit

    • Peter Brown says:

      It’s true! We just announced that THE WILD ROBOT PROTECTS will be the third installment of the Wild Robot series! But it won’t be published until the summer of 2023. I’ll try to make it worth the wait!

  27. Landan G says:

    my class are waiting for this book we read the whole series already.

  28. Whitney Powell says:

    We just started the first book in the series and enjoyed reading your blog post about your process of writing the book. We can’t wait to read book 2 and are excited that there will be a book 3!
    -Mrs. Powell’s Third Grade Class

  29. bob says:

    will there be a book 3?

    • Peter Brown says:

      Yes! But it will take a while. The Wild Robot Protects is due to be released in the summer of 2023. Stay tuned!

  30. nicolas says:

    i really want for you to make a other book for the wild robot and it is really hard to find books as good as yours so im sorry if this is like rushing you any way how but hope fully you make another book of the wild robot like the wild robot is back. hope you get this

  31. Baltazar says:

    I love your book a read both of them and I really want a third book

  32. Beth Earle says:

    My third grade class just finished reading the Wild Robot Escapes. We are IN LOVE with your stories of Roz and her friends. We are so excited to hear about The Wild Robot Protects. Will you be sharing a release date or will we just have to be patient? Thank you for sharing your creativity with us! We are hooked!

    Mrs. Earle’s Class
    Windham, Maine

  33. miguel says:


  34. Evan Beer says:

    I just want you to know that I love your books and I think they are great and very fun and entertaining. I am 14 and living in Greece NY and I would love to read a third Wild Robot book if you are planning on making one. Thanks very much and I love your work! 🙂 P.S: I have the first two at home and I never get bored of reading them!

  35. Rea says:

    I read this to my son and we both love it, eagerly waiting for the third one! We can’t wait!

  36. MAITEN says:

    I love all 2 books I can not stop reading them I am pulling my hair out till the next book comes out

  37. Emma says:

    A massive thank you for the journey you took myself and my class (children aged 7-9) on. A completely brilliant story (we’ve only read The Wild Robot so far) that had them totally engaged throughout. We loved it. The relationship between robot and the animals never disappointed me – as a complete animal lover, I fully enjoyed your connection with them. You have ignited a love of reading in so many of my children. I sincerely thank you.

  38. Martin Moloney says:

    Dear Mr. Brown,
    I am 7 years old. I really liked The Wild Robot and The Wild Robot Escapes. I want to know if you could write a third Wild Robot book because I am wondering if Roz will ever see Hilltop Farm again.

  39. Kirstie Schmidt says:

    Dear Peter Brown, My grandmother and me really enjoyed the 1st 2 books. We are very excited for the 3rd book. When is it coming out? From Kirsty 2nd grade, 7 years old, RB Walter school in Tioga Pennsylvania.

  40. Gavin Dybvik says:

    Hi, we have just finished reading The Wild Robot in our ELA class. It is amazing the way you write your book! I had to read certain chapters every day, and you left me on a cliff hanger every day. I have not read book 2 or 3, but I hope I will be able to get those books. I loved the first book, so I think I will be blown away after reading books 2 & 3. Keep up the amazing work Peter Brown!

  41. andrew stoltzner says:

    i love the 1st one! our teacher read it to us and it was fantastic!i realy want more
    wild robot!!!

  42. fynn says:

    I’m reading these books there sooo good

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